Friday, June 15, 2007
So, for the last few months I have been a big time Mitt Romney fan. However I am starting to like the idea of the Law and Order guy. He hasn't officially entered yet but he has a website: . I think he might be a bit more electable than Mitt. I don't know how he stands on social issues yet though. This next presidency is another big one because at least one Supreme court Justice will be retiring.

Well the Red Sox are starting to suck. Oh well, At least they won tonight and are still up 8.5 games from the Yankees.

I had the day off today. That was pretty cool. I watched the extended edition of the Fellowship of the Ring today. I hadn't seen that yet. It added a lot of cool scenes. Here's an awesome article about one of my favorite scenes from the 1st LOTR movie.
posted by Andrew & Amanda Wheeler @ 11:00 PM  
  • At June 21, 2007 at 10:56 AM, Blogger Linda said…

    Thanks, the imwithfred website was very informative. I was not a Mitt Romney fan because of the fact he was a Morman. I know that people say that is bigoted but I can not morally support a cult. Fred Thompson seems to be more in line with my moral beliefs.

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